Products available for ordering

Product Cost Notes
Imagine V5 $100.00 Version 5 of Imagine; This product can be distributed either by E-mail
or on floppy disks.
V5 to V6 Upgrade $100.00 Constant Upgrade Program - Special price for owners of Imagine V5;
Internet access is highly recommended, since numerous updates are made
available for download until V6 is ready.
Any Imagine to V6 Upgrade $200.00 Constant Upgrade Program - This is for owners of Imagine V4 or earlier;
Internet access is highly recommended, since numerous updates are made
available for download until V6 is ready.
Cross-grade to V6 - For users of other 3D software who wish to cross-grade to Imagine.
Please email the sales department for further details.
P&P $10.00 Postage and Packing.

Note: All dollar amounts are U.S. dollars.

The following link contains a currency converter, which you might find helpful -


Payment Method

Payment can be made in U.K. pounds (preferable), U.S. Dollars, or German DM.

Personal cheques can be used (please allow 10 working days for clearance).
U.K. pounds is the preferred currency.

Postal Order:
Residents of the U.K. can use postal orders available from most Post Offices.

Cheques/Postal orders should be made payable to Martin McKenzie.
Please refer to the contact page for the mailing address to send orders by post.

Credit Card:
Major credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, or American Express can be used.
All credit card orders are processed through RegNet.

   The Imagine5 RegNet ID# is:3121.

  • To cover additional costs, Imagine5 is $116. The program disks can either be e-mailed,
       or sent by regular post (Please remember to include Postage&Packing costs).

  The Imagine V5 to V6 upgrade RegNet ID# is:3828.

  • To cover additional costs, the upgrade cost is $116 + P&P.
  • Once purchased, a username & password will be issued to allow access to the download area (ACUP).
  • When the ACUP programme has been completed, V6 will be issued on disk media.

   The Imagine V6 RegNet ID# is:3829.

  • To cover additional costs, the upgrade cost is $228 + P&P.
  • Once purchased, a username & password will be issued to allow access to the download area (ACUP).
  • When the ACUP programme has been completed, V6 will be issued on disk media.

Please email if you have any questions about payment methods.


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